To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopyPost images on
http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting.
Dear list members,
We have a fantastic group of researchers and engineers here in the Applied
Systems Biology Group at the Hans Knöll Institute in Jena. We mostly work
on microscopy-related image data, including confocal, two-photon,
lightsheet and super-resolution techniques. We have been
especially successful both in publishing and funding in the recent months
and years and now we have several new positions available both for postdocs
and PhD students. Please consider applying if you would like an excitingly
varied subject area of studies in a group of dedicated and talented
colleagues. Jena is a pleasant place to live and work, and we are still
close to main cities with convenient train and Autobahn connections.
Here are the links (deadline is October 30):
https://jobs.hki-jena.de/jobs/Postdoctoral-Researchers-fdivm-in-Image-based-Systems-Biol-eng-j261.htmlhttps://jobs.hki-jena.de/jobs/Doctoral-Researchers-fdivm-in-Image-based-Systems-Biology-eng-j260.htmlWe hope to see (some of) you here soon!
Best wishes,
Zoltan Cseresnyes
Zoltan Cseresnyes