Postdoc position MINFLUX

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Jonas Ries Jonas Ries
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Postdoc position MINFLUX

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Dear all,

I am looking for a postdoc to work on an exciting project with MINFLUX. The postdoc will optimise and further develop one of the first commercial MINFLUX prototypes and push it to take movies of protein machines in living cells. Additionally, she/he would work towards our own MINFLUX instrument. The EMBL in Heidelberg is one of the best research institutes worldwide and offers very attractive employment conditions.

Please forward to any excellent PhD student with a background in optics/microscopy/biophysics about to finish or postdocs looking for new challenges.

Here is the link:

Thanks a lot,

Dr. Jonas Ries
- group leader -

Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstr. 1
69117 Heidelberg, Germany

Phone: +49 6221 3878199
Fax: +49 6221 387 8242
Mobile: +49 151 51040705
Email: [hidden email]