Postdoc position in our lab

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Ricardo Henriques Ricardo Henriques
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Postdoc position in our lab

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Hi everyone,

A small favour to ask. We have a couple of positions open for researchers
with a strong background in Microscopy, to be hosted in our new lab at
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (Portugal). These are for:

- Postdoctoral Researcher: Viral Host-Pathogen Interactions and Cell Biology
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Optical and Computational Biophysics
Info in:

Can you pass please disseminate these to anyone that may be interested.

Thank you in advance. Hope you're staying safe.

All the best,

Prof. Ricardo Henriques,
Chair of Computational and Optical Biophysics
University College London and Francis Crick Institute

MRC-Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom

Twitter: @HenriquesLab <>
Google Scholar:
Co-Director of the Wellcome Trust Optical Biology
<> PhD programme