Postdoc position: non-linear fiber endoscopy

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Johanna Traegaardh Johanna Traegaardh
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Postdoc position: non-linear fiber endoscopy

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Dear all,

We are looking for a postdoc to join our team to work on developing
imaging methods for multimode fiber-based endoscopes, in the group of
Prof. Tomas Cizmar, at the Institute of Scientific Instruments, in Brno,
Czech Republic.

In our group we aim to use these ultrathin (<125 um) optical endoscopes
for minimally invasive deep tissue imaging in neuroscience and
immunology, as well as for in-situ diagnosis of tumors, using label-free
imaging with chemical contrast. The successful candidate will work on
developing mainly non-linear imaging method with a focus on  applied
imaging in tissue.

For further information see:

Kind regards,
Johanna Trägårdh
Dr. Johanna Traegaardh

[hidden email]

Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, v.v.i.
Czech Academy of Sciences
Kralovopolska 147
612 64 Brno
Czech Republic

+420 541 514 135