Postdoctoral Positions, Kumar Lab, UC Berkeley

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Sanjay Kumar Sanjay Kumar
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Postdoctoral Positions, Kumar Lab, UC Berkeley

Postdoctoral positions are available in the Kumar Laboratory in the Department of
Bioengineering and California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3) at the
University of California, Berkeley.   We seek individuals who can lead an effort in one of
the following three areas related to cellular mechanics and mechanobiology.  The projects
are sponsored by awards from the NIH (Director's New Innovator Award and Physical
Sciences-Oncology Center grant) and ARO (PECASE).

1. Synthesis and characterization of unstructured protein domains as biomimetic
materials.  Qualified candidates should have extensive experience with peptide/protein
synthesis (expression) and purification, as well as light scattering techniques, atomic
force microscopy, and/or molecular spectroscopy.  

2. Imaging and force measurements of living cells.  Qualified candidates should have
experience with cell culture, expression of fluorescently-tagged proteins, confocal and/or
multiphoton imaging, and ideally some experience with advanced fluorescence methods
(FRAP, FRET, FLIM, etc.).

3. In vivo studies of brain tumor growth and invasion.  Qualified candidates should have
experience using mouse models of glioma or other brain tumors, as well as histological
characterization.  Expertise in cellular and molecular biology is a plus.

Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences, Bioengineering, or a
related field; candidates who expect to earn a Ph.D. within the next 6 months are also
encouraged to apply. The strongest candidates will have demonstrated success in
conducting original research as evidenced by peer-reviewed research publications.  Work
will commence no later than 1 August  2010. The appointment may start on an earlier
date, if mutually convenient (funding is available now). The initial appointment is for one
year, with renewal expected if progress is satisfactory and funds continue to be available.
The starting salary will be commensurate with experience, and competitive with other
postdoctoral positions. Please e-mail a short research statement identifying which of the
three focus areas is of greatest interest, a CV including list of publications, and copies of
two recent publications (preprints or reprints) to Prof. Sanjay Kumar, at the above
address. To receive full consideration, applicants should arrange to have letters of
references from three individuals sent to Prof. Kumar (letters may also be emailed
directly by the referees). Immigration status of non-citizens should be stated in the

Submit Applications and letters of reference by e-mail to; [hidden email]

Application instructions: Please submit applications and letters in .pdf format and include
in the subject line Kumar Lab Postdoc