Postdoctoral Training Program in Bioimage Analysis

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Beth Cimini Beth Cimini
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Postdoctoral Training Program in Bioimage Analysis

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Hi all,

We are currently looking to add a slot to our Postdoctoral Training Program
in Bioimage Analysis in the Carpenter Lab (aka the CellProfiler team) at
the Broad Institute (Cambridge, MA, US).  We are particularly looking for
microscopists looking to increase their image analysis skills to pursue a
future career involving bioimage analysis. Please check out our posting here
and share with any current or near-future postdocs you think might be

~Beth Cimini

Beth Cimini, PhD
CZI Imaging Scientist/Senior Computational Biologist
Imaging Platform, Broad Institute
415 Main St Room 5011
Cambridge, MA 02142
Current office number- (617) 714-8189
Pronouns - She/her/hers
I will sometimes send or respond to emails outside of my local office
hours, but I never expect responses outside of your local office hours.