Postdoctoral position Oxford Brookes

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John Runions John Runions
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Postdoctoral position Oxford Brookes

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Oxford Brookes University’s School of Life Sciences (oxford, UK) has a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant position available in the laboratory of Dr. John Runions.  The position is funded by BBSRC for 3 years to study interactions between proteins of the plasma membrane and the actin cytoskeleton in plant cells.


Recent reports suggest that cell surface proteins can physically interact with the actin cytoskeleton.  These interactions are potentially important in cell signalling and in structuring the plasma membrane.  The successful applicant will evaluate the role of actin cytoskeleton in membrane protein dynamics using advanced confocal microscopy techniques such as photoactivation of green fluorescent protein and motion tracking in timelapse images.  See: Runions et al., Photoactivation of GFP reveals protein dynamics within the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Journal of Experimental Botany. 57: 43-50.


As well as confocal microscopy, main duties of the position will include; construction of molecular biological vectors for plant-cell transformation , analysis of protein dynamics using software such as Volocity and ImageJ, and some mathematical modelling using the protein dynamics data.


The position requires a PhD in molecular biology or biochemistry and preference will be given to those that have experience in plant cell biology and confocal microscopy.  You should be able to work independently and should possess good organisational and communication skills.


Oxford Brookes University is situated in Oxford, England.  The area has become a centre for biotechnological excellence.  Bioimaging is one of the strengths of the School of Life Sciences and the Plant Cell Biology group has an excellent track record.  We have two Zeiss confocal microscopes as well as TEM and SEM.  Please see our website:


Please address any informal enquiries to Dr. John Runions ([hidden email]).

You can download a job application package at:

Runions signature

C. John Runions, Ph.D.
School of Life Sciences
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford, UK

email:  [hidden email]
phone: +44 (0) 1865 483 964

Runions’ lab web site


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Oxford Brookes Master's in Bioimaging with Molecular Technology