Postdoctoral position at Emory University

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Melikian, Gregory-2 Melikian, Gregory-2
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Postdoctoral position at Emory University

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A postdoctoral position is available at the Emory University School of Medicine to join an innovative laboratory that studies the mechanism of enveloped virus entry into cells. Our group combines molecular/cell biology and quantitative microscopy techniques, such as single particle tracking, TIRFM, super-resolution microscopy and correlative fluorescence-cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-CLEM), to delineate early steps of viral infection. The candidate will work on the collaborative NIH-funded multi-laboratory project aimed at delineating the interactions between HIV-1 core and the nuclear pore complex. S/he will implement novel fluorescence labeling and imaging strategies to visualize the steps leading to nuclear import and work with other participating laboratories to gain structural insights into molecular interactions involved in this process. Highly motivated individuals holding a Ph.D are encouraged to apply. Fluorescence microscopy and image analysis experience is desired. Emory University provides excellent training and collaborative environment for research. For more information regarding projects, please visit: and Interested applicants should contact Dr. Gregory Melikian (aka Melikyan) at [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>.


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