Postdoctoral position

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John J. Lemasters John J. Lemasters
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Postdoctoral position

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Two postdoctoral positions are available for research and training in
the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying hypoxic and toxic
injury to liver and heart cells and organs stored for transplantation
surgery supported by recently funded R01 NIH grants. Salary will follow
NIH guidelines commensurate with training and experience.

My laboratory is applying new techniques of laser scanning confocal and
intravital multiphoton microscopy to characterize the physiology of
single cells in culture and in tissues of living animals, including the
assessment of ion homeostasis, mitochondrial function, electrical
potentials, oxygen and nitrogen free radical formation, membrane
permeability and other biochemical parameters during the pathogenesis of
lethal cell injury.

The laboratory is particularly interested in the role of mitochondrial
dysfunction in pathobiology, focusing on the role of the mitochondrial
permeability transition (MPT) in causing both necrotic and apoptotic
cell death, as well as mitochondrial autophagy (mitophagy). We are also
exploring the hypothesis that closure of voltage-dependent anion
channels (VDAC) in the mitochondrial outer membrane causes global
suppression of mitochondrial metabolism after oxidative stress, ethanol
exposure, ischemia and other pathologic stresses.

The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral
degree with training in cell and molecular biology, an interest in
learning new technologies and applying them to relevant biological
problems, and the motivation to follow these problems wherever they
might lead.

Please send resume and names of 3 references to:

John J. Lemasters, MD, PhD
Professor and South Carolina COEE Endowed Chair
Director, Center for Cell Death, Injury and Regeneration
Departments of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Medical University of South Carolina
QF308 Quadrangle Building
280 Calhoun Street, MSC 140
Charleston, SC 29425
Office: 843-792-2153
Lab: 843-792-3530
Fax: 843-792-1617
Email: [hidden email]