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we will have a practical School in Genoa on Super resolution methods on December 3-6 2012 at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via Morego 30, 16163 Genova, Italy.
Practical sessions will be on super resolution set-ups at the Italian Institute of Technology. 18 seats (3/set-up) will be available.
Admission has no cost, it simply requires a registration via email (alberto.diasproiit.it - mandatory subject "IIT-SUPER RESOLUTION 2"
On December 3 and 4 we will have practical sessions starting from 9 a.m. (it is recommended to arrive the night before, further information will be provided upon registration).
On December 5th we will have a Super resolution brainstorming with scientists at Palazzo della Borsa, Genoa Center) and talks.
On December 6th, interested participants will be allowed to perform measurements on their own samples (please, indicate such a need in the registration including sample details or asking for optimized sample preparation).
See you in Genoa
All the best
do not miss www.maf13.org