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Hello everyone,
Please see below a reminder regarding QBI2019 registration.
Dear Colleague,
QBI 2019 in Rennes, France, is coming up soon. We have an exciting program
with the largest number of contributions of around 200 different
presentations so far in our history. Again we have a great representation
of contributions ranging from cell biology, biophysics, optics, data and
image analysis, software development etc. Please see our conference website
at www.quantitativebioimaging.com/qbi2019 for more details.
The conference will take place in Rennes, France, 8-11 January 2018 in a
conference center in the center of town that is housed in an ancient
renovated monastery building.
Please register as soon as possible as we may need to close events soon
that are close to capacity at www.quantitativebioimaging.com/qbi2019
We have an exciting program with a record number of events. In addition to
the classical topics, such as on single molecule microscopy, this year
there is a particular emphasis on the following topics with *minisymposia* in
these areas:
- Machine learning in microscopy
- Structured illumination: a review of the state of the art
- Quantitative tools for subcellular trafficking
- Microscopy in BioPharma
- Software development for microscopy developments
For the first time we also have *pre-conference workshops* on
- Machine learning in bioimage analysis
- Adaptive optics
- 3D superresolution microscopy
*No registration fee for academic attendees: *As in the past, due to the
generosity of the sponsors the conference does not need to charge a
registration fee for academic attendees (although a donation would be
greatly appreciated to help with the costs). In addition, a number of meals
will be provided for free.
Looking forward to seeing you in Rennes next January.
Charles Kervrann
Raimund Ober
General Chairs, QBI 2019