The program consists of:
- 3 key note lectures by E. Stelzer, M. Zerial, and R. Singer
- tutorial lectures on tracking, point spread function engineering, and single molecule clustering
- 2 mini symposia on single molecule techniques for the analysis of nuclear pore complexes and image analysis in biopharma
- workshop on software development for bioimage analysis
- invited and contributed presentations covering a wide range of topics from single molecule techniques to new optical approaches in microscopy
- extensive poster sessions
The registration site is open. Please register soon as spaces are limited and in past years we could not accommodate all who wanted to attend. You can register at:
As in previous years, registration is free for academic attendees.
We have negotiated special accommodation rates with various hotels in the vicinity of the conference location. However, these rates are available only for a limited time. Therefore, please arrange to finalize your hotel bookings as soon as possible to take advantage of these discounts. You can find details about the hotels and the discount rates on the conference website:
Looking forward to seeing you at QBI 2017 next January.
QBI organizers