QFM 2009 second announcement

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Watkins, Simon C Watkins, Simon C
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QFM 2009 second announcement

Folks, As many of you know, Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy is a course run at the Mount Desert Island Bio Labs annually. This is an intensive lab/lecture course, focusing on fluorescence microscopy in all its forms, including widefield, Confocal, Multiphoton, Decon, TIRF, FRET etc, though with an emphasis on live cell methods.  We also encourage students to provide their own specimens such that the hands on components of the course are as enriching as possible.   While we have had a healthy applicant pool, we have also had a surprising number of dropouts/cancellations,(we are guessing that the economy isnt exactly helping)....  Right now we need to fill 3 of the 32 slots, so if you or anyone you work with/for might be interested please encourage them to apply.

The dates for course are from Saturday May 30th 2009 to the following Friday (June 5th) . 

The url for the course is http://www.cbi.pitt.edu/qfm/index.html




Simon C. Watkins Ph.D, FRCPath

Professor and Vice Chair, Cell Biology and Physiology

Professor, Immunology

Director, Center for Biologic Imaging

BSTS 225, University of Pittsburgh

3500 Terrace St.

Pittsburgh PA 15261

Tel: 412-352-2277


URL: http://www.cbi.pitt.edu


Mohr, Alexandra Mohr, Alexandra
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Re: QFM 2009 second announcement


----- Original Message -----
From: Watkins, Simon C <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tue Mar 24 09:55:14 2009
Subject: QFM 2009 second announcement

Folks, As many of you know, Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy is a course run at the Mount Desert Island Bio Labs annually. This is an intensive lab/lecture course, focusing on fluorescence microscopy in all its forms, including widefield, Confocal, Multiphoton, Decon, TIRF, FRET etc, though with an emphasis on live cell methods.  We also encourage students to provide their own specimens such that the hands on components of the course are as enriching as possible.   While we have had a healthy applicant pool, we have also had a surprising number of dropouts/cancellations,(we are guessing that the economy isnt exactly helping)....  Right now we need to fill 3 of the 32 slots, so if you or anyone you work with/for might be interested please encourage them to apply.

The dates for course are from Saturday May 30th 2009 to the following Friday (June 5th) .  

The url for the course is http://www.cbi.pitt.edu/qfm/index.html




Simon C. Watkins Ph.D, FRCPath

Professor and Vice Chair, Cell Biology and Physiology

Professor, Immunology

Director, Center for Biologic Imaging

BSTS 225, University of Pittsburgh

3500 Terrace St.

Pittsburgh PA 15261

Tel: 412-352-2277


URL: http://www.cbi.pitt.edu


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