QFM 2015 second announcement

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Watkins, Simon C Watkins, Simon C
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QFM 2015 second announcement

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Folks, at the ABRF meeting several people asked about Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy (QFM) 2015.  The course will run the same week as last year, from May 15th to May 22th 2015, I think this is the 18th year Dave Piston and I have run the course, time flies!!  There are still some open slots, so if you are thinking of attending nows the time to enroll!,

This is an intensive lab/lecture course, focusing on fluorescence microscopy in all its forms, including widefield, Confocal, Multiphoton, Decon, Super resolution TIRF, FRET, 2D and 3D image processing (including time based analysis), etc, though with an emphasis on live cell methods.  We also encourage students to provide their own specimens such that the hands on components of the course are as enriching as possible

The url for the course is http://mdibl.org/course/qfm-2015/

All enrollments and information is electronic however  if you have any questions feel free to contact me

Simon Watkins Ph.D
Distinguished Professor and Vice Chair Cell Biology
Professor Immunology
Director Center for Biologic Imaging
University of Pittsburgh
Bsts 225 3550 terrace st
Pittsburgh PA 15261