Quantitative BioImaging Society

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Sripad Ram-2 Sripad Ram-2
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Quantitative BioImaging Society

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Dear colleagues,
We would like to bring to your attention that the Quantitative Bioimaging
(QBI) society, a non-profit organization, is soliciting to register new
members. The QBI society seeks to foster the scientific exchange of
researchers with interest in quantitative imaging in biological and
biomedical sciences.

Anyone with an interest in quantitative bioimaging can join the society. At
present, membership benefit includes access to the job boards and hopefully
many more activities that will be developed over time. While there is no
fee to join the society, we would very much appreciate a donation to
support the costs of the continued development of activities of the

Some (or many) of you may be wondering, what is this society all about and
why I should join it. One of the main activities to date of the QBI society
has been the organization of the QBI meeting which is held annually at
different locations worldwide. The idea for starting the QBI meeting, which
is currently in its 6th year, followed from the recognition that there was
no conference to date that addressed, in a focused and interdisciplinary
manner, the analysis of bioimaging data. A particular emphasis of the QBI
society is to promote interactions between scientists across diverse
disciplines. Towards this effort, we are actively working on expanding our
range of offerings and are very interested to solicit participation and
hear about ideas for future initiatives.

The 2018 QBI meeting will be held in Goettingen from Jan 4th - 6th at
Georg-August University. More information about the meeting can be found at


Sripad Ram
On behalf of the QBI Society