Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy Course - Montreal - May 7-9,2019

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Claire Brown Claire Brown
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Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy Course - Montreal - May 7-9,2019

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Neuro Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy Course

May 7 - 9, 2019
Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre, The Neuro, McGill University,
3801 University Street, Montreal, Canada

The 3-day Neuro Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy Course is addressed to researchers who already have experience in advanced optical microscopy and would like to push their expertise into the realm of quantitative imaging in super-resolution microscopy. The participants will work on the three most common super-resolution microscopy techniques: single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM), structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM), and stimulated emission-depletion microscopy (STED), as well as with techniques of enhanced-resolution confocal microscopy (Airy Scan, Hyvolution).  Good practices and quantitative approaches will be emphasized throughout the super-resolution imaging experiment workflow comprising experimental design, sample preparation, data acquisition and analysis. This course will allow researchers to learn the limitations and benefits of each method and to apply these techniques in the life sciences with competence and confidence. Registration is subject to review and approval by the organizing committee and available space in the course. Space is limited.  Register early<https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/events>!

Registration Fee: $ 1,000 CDN

Keynote lecture
Developments towards more quantitative super-resolution microscopy
Joerg Bewersdorf
Yale University School of Medicine
May 8, 2019 at 5:30 pm
RSVP is required.

Co-chairs: Clair Brown, James Jonkman, Alison North, Thomas Stroh

For more information and to register: bit.ly/quantitative-super-resolution-microscopy-2019-rsvp<http://bit.ly/quantitative-super-resolution-microscopy-2019-rsvp>

Contact: Deborah Rashcovsky, Events Officer, 514 398-6047 [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>