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Allan Kachelmeier Allan Kachelmeier
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To all confocalists,

The OHSU Center for Spatial Systems Biomedicine (OCSSB) is organizing a
kickoff symposium entitled *BioMedicine in 4 Dimensions *to* *be held on
the OHSU campus, March 22-23, 2012 in the Old Library at 3181 SW Sam
Jackson Park Road, Portland, Oregon 97239-3098.

The roster features 30 experts speaking on aspects of systems biomedicine.
The focus is on use of imaging technologies to reveal architectural aspects
of systems behavior on size scales ranging from Angstroms to millimeters.
 This is a great opportunity to learn about this emerging field of
biomedicine and to meet world leaders in the field.  Graduate and
postgraduate trainees are especially welcome.

A sampling of talks include:

Dr. Brian Druker, “Beyond Gleevec” (keynote)

Dr. Stephen Quake, “Measurement in biololgy” (keynote)

Dr. Sriram Subramaniam, “3D electron microscopy of cells and viruses at
molecular resolution: From structure to mechanism”

Dr. Dave Piston, "It's complicated: Systems relationships in hormonal
regulation of blood glucose"

Dr. Peter Sorger, “Measuring and modeling cell decision processes”

Dr. Garry Nolan, “Humans as a perturbation event in the discovery of
trans-cellular networks”

Dr. Dan Vigneron, “Multinuclear MR spectroscopy using hyperpolarized
carbon-13 metabolic imaging”

And 22 more.

Don’t miss this exciting event.  See also the related Shared Resource
Colloquium on March 21. For information and registration go to the Center
for Spatial Systems Biomedicine website at and
follow the string for the symposium on the left. Registration is either
free (no lunches) or $35 (with lunches). For details on bringing a poster,
or for further information, contact the symposium coordinator, Allan
Kachelmeier, at [hidden email].

Allan Kachelmeier
Coordinator, 2012 BioMedicine in 4D symposium