REMINDER - Rescan Confocal Microscopy Webinar is Tomorrow

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Nese Didem Temeltas Nese Didem Temeltas
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REMINDER - Rescan Confocal Microscopy Webinar is Tomorrow

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Dear all,

This is a kind reminder that the Rescan Confocal Microscopy webinar/virtual DEMO will take place tomorrow (July 24) at 1PM ET. Our registration link is still open please click here <>, an invitation link will be sent after you register.

About this webinar,

This webinar is a virtual demo of the Rescan Confocal Microscopy (RCM) unit. The RCM can transform your widefield microscope to a confocal microscope and has all the features and benefits of a regular confocal microscope but additionally offers:
Improved signal-to-noise ratio (4x)
Improved lateral resolution (up to 170 nm)
Low-cost due to its unique camera-based design and flexible system architecture
RCM is a super-resolution technique based on a standard laser-scanning confocal system, extended with an optical re-scanning unit. The re-scanner writes the image directly onto a camera chip. By doubling the sweep of the re-scanning mirrors, the image is magnified on the camera chip without increasing the size of the rescanning spot. This results in an increase in resolution up to 170nm - an improvement of 1.4 times. The camera-based detection and open pinhole design offer a high signal-to-noise ratio, while maintaining confocal sectioning capability. The rescanning principle is optics-mechanics only, achieving an improved resolution image without any post-processing.
For more information please visit the website <>.

Samples that will be used in this session:
Sample 1 - BPAE cells (Nikon prep), 3-color, DAPI, Actin-488 and Mitotracker red.
Sample 2 - Chromosomes, SYCP3 Alexa488
Best Regards,

Nese Didem Temeltas
Scientific Marketing and Sales Support Engineer, Axiom Optics
Mobile (734) 882 9622 | [hidden email]
Phone (617) 401 2198 |
444 Somerville Ave, Somerville MA 02143

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