RMS Light Microscopy Summer School 2017

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Mel Reedman-2 Mel Reedman-2
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RMS Light Microscopy Summer School 2017

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Dear All

Registration is now open for the 2017 RMS Light Microscopy Summer School taking place at the University of York from 16 - 19 July.

The Light Microscopy summer school is an annual, residential three day course held at the University of York covering the principles of light microscopy and practical issues surrounding light microscopy. After introductory presentations, the course is taught predominantly through hands-on practical sessions. After covering the basics of LM, the course then splits into two streams; Fluorescence and Materials from Section, allowing you to gain extra experience in the skills relevant to your area of work.

The course is suitable for both novices and more experienced users wanting to gain a greater understanding of the microscope and feedback every year is always fantastic. Students came from a range of backgrounds in 2015, within both research and commercial organisations. All benefited greatly from the Course and left with increased understanding and skills.

You can view the programmes for both streams and register online at www.rms.org.uk/lmschool

You can also choose to attend the two-day Getting the Most from your Confocal Course which will take place immediately after the LM Summer School, 20-21 July at the University of York.

Many delegates choose to extend their stay in York, allowing them to attend both courses. The 2 day annual confocal course utilises many different sample types and fluorescent probes (DNA stains, classic antibody labels and fluorescent proteins) which are chosen to best demonstrate particular problems and techniques. Focus is always on the techniques they enable and the problems they generate, which will be applicable to any sample types.
The full programme and further information can be found at www.rms.org.uk/confocal