RV: Ask for help about LSM 510

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Carlos Sanchez-8 Carlos Sanchez-8
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RV: Ask for help about LSM 510

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal

Dear Yi,


Please, check the image of the link below and you will see the button you should reset. It can happen sometimes. Anyway, you should always wait some time after switching on the system and opening the software.


Good luck.





Carlos Sánchez Martín

Servicio de Microscopía Optica y Confocal (SMOC) (Lab.310)

Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa" (CSIC-UAM)

C/Nicolás Cabrera,1

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Cantoblanco.

28049. Madrid

Tlfs. 91 196 4613/4643

Fax. 91 196 4420

E-mail: [hidden email]

Web: http://www.cbm.uam.es/confocal