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We buy two 2photon Planner and build one. We are interested in high speed. I
achieved 25i / s with a Leica SP5 two photon on an explant labeled GFP, 20X
dry objective with only 3% of laser.
To talk about peformances I got with 2P:
25i / s with the Leica, but also with a Zeiss LSM510 980micron 2P 20X NA 1.0
objective. on mouse brain labeled dextran / Rhod.
I would like to make a quick 2P with great features for the software.
I would like to have not to use the major companies. Why not use a company
like MetaMorph for the software !
For the system presented, very interesting I'm curious to see his performance
because I find it difficult to use immersion objectives (water) and to have
perfect alignment. Homogeneity and perfect the key to success !