Re: 2011 Northwest Regional Cytometry Meeting, March 24 -26 at OHSU

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Allan Kachelmeier Allan Kachelmeier
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Re: 2011 Northwest Regional Cytometry Meeting, March 24 -26 at OHSU

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To the confocal microscopy and wider cytometry community,

Regarding: 2011 Northwest Regional Cytometry Meeting, March 24 – 26 at OHSU

The 2011 NWRCM, “Cytometry data: Mining, modeling, and management”, will be
of interest to both the imaging and flow community. The program has a great
roster of plenary speakers - Garry Nolan, Norm Dovichi, Manfred Auer,
Masanobu Yamamoto, Gregory Kaduchak, Joe W. Gray, Paul Robinson, Ed Walker,
Maria James, Ryan Brinkman, Ger van den Engh, Bob Zigon, Bill Ortyn, Bruce
Bagwell, and Dave Novo - and we’re fortunate in having them onboard. Talks
will include discussion of mass spec based cytometry, capillary array
electrophoresis based cytometry, and electron tomography.

I would also like to draw your attention to other opportunities under the
NWRCM umbrella. The schedule (see the website at the URL below) lists the
FICCS computational cytometry meeting, FloCyte courses, vendor talks, and
practicums, all of which add so significantly to the meeting. FloCyte is
offering 10% off on data analysis and standardization courses with NWRCM
registration, and both courses feed right into the NWRCM program.

Also if you interested in presenting a poster, the deadline for abstracts is
February 15th, notification by February 20th. Please send abstracts directly
to me at [hidden email] .

The software practicums on Saturday offer a range of opportunities, from
test drives to programming. The program has redundancy, and persons taking
the FloCyte standardization or FlowJo programming course can also take in
short versions of these practicums.

Adam Triester has put together a special practicum for advanced software
users, “FlowJo for integrators”. If you are interested in this, contact Tree
Star directly at [hidden email] . Tree Star has also initiated fun
activities for Friday night, opportunity to explore a bit of the Pearl
district with colleagues. Adam is donating proceeds from the FlowJo course
to the cause, and contribution to the evening’s activities by other parties
is also welcome.

You can register on the website below. Let me know if you have any questions
about the program. Thanks.

Allan Kachelmeier
2011 NWRCM coordinator
Manager, Confocal microscopy core
Oregon Hearing Research Center
[hidden email]

2011 NWRCM Website <>