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Hello everyone,
Speaking of 3D printers for lab use (educational and/or microscopy), our college
is considering purchasing 3D printers to support our microscopy (and other)
classes. For those of you who have these wondrous machines, would you
provide insight from your experiences? In particular...
* What is the most important reason why you have one? Does it actually
improve how students -learn-? How do you evaluate the how well its
usefulness has been?
* Which types of students typically use these printers, microscopy, modeling,
and others? What varied ways have they been using them (even from other
* Did the teachers who incorporate 3D printing in their classes need training?
How was this training provided? How are students and support staff trained
how to use them?
* What are some limitations or "got-chas" or limitations about putting/using
these in labs? My first impressions are cost of materials, cost of repairs, and
technical support.
* Besides the printer, consumables, and computer w/CAD software, what else
can/should be purchased initially and ongoing?
* If you had more money, how would you use 3D printing beyond your current
Sorry for the 20 questions, but I am trying to think of the important aspects of
this project before we embark upon it. I appreciate whatever insights that you
Tom Hammond
Technical Support Services
The University of Akron Wayne College