Re: CONFOCALMICROSCOPY Digest - 26 Jul 2013 to 27 Jul 2013 (#2013-175)

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Joyce, Bradley W. Joyce, Bradley W.
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Re: CONFOCALMICROSCOPY Digest - 26 Jul 2013 to 27 Jul 2013 (#2013-175)

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Dear Stamatis,

We also use these dishes but order directly from Sarstedt ( They are still available in their catalogue as a current product so my guess would be that it actually Sigma that has decided to stop distributing them and not that the product is no longer manufactured.

If you do need to get another source I've heard that Coylab (<>) make a similar range of gas permeable dishes and plates although I have not yet used any of there products so I can't comment on how well they function.

Good luck,


Bradley Joyce
Department of Molecular Biology
Princeton University
Lewis Thomas Lab
Washington Road
Princeton, NJ 08544
Tel: (+1) 609-258-7534
Email: [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>

On 28 Jul 2013, at 01:03, CONFOCALMICROSCOPY automatic digest system <[hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:

Hello everyone

we are looking for petri dishes with a gas-permeable base for O2/CO2 exchange.

The ones we knew about were these
Greiner Lumox culture dish hydrophilic (50 mm) (Sigma, cat. no. Z376744) (formerly known as petriperm plates)

but apparently they have been discontinued.

Any hints on where we could find something similar would be greatly appreciated.

thank you

Stamatis Pagakis Ph.D.
Head, Biological Imaging
Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
Soranou Efessiou 4, Athens 115 27 - Greece
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