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Re: Confocal use

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Jan Grawe Jan Grawe
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Re: Confocal use

Is it OK to invoice this now?


Best regards,


Jan Grawé




Jan Grawé

Cell Analysis Core Facility


Dag Hammarskjölds väg 20

SE-75185 Uppsala


Phone: +(0)18-471465


[hidden email]



From: Janet Jansson [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: den 27 oktober 2008 16:09
To: Jan Grawe
Cc: Maria Hellman
Subject: Re: Confocal use


Dear Jan,


I don't remember seeing this message. I would have of course responded. Thank you for providing information about the confocal use. I will copy this message to Maria Hellman so that she can verify that this was for work on one of my projects. in that case I will pay it as soon as you send the renewed invoice.





On Oct 27, 2008, at 2:27 AM, Jan Grawe wrote:

Dear Janet,


In april I sent a message in response to a query by you regarding confocal use.  In that message I detailed the use of the confocal microscope at the cell analysis core facility  by Maria Hellman during the first quarter of 2008. The time and sum is 5,12h and 2447 kr, respectively.


I can find no answer to this message (it might not have reached me), so I would like to ask whether you have any remaining issue with the cunfocal use by Maria before I remit a renewed invoice.



Best regards,  


Jan Grawé

Cell Analysis Core Facility


Dag Hammarskjölds väg 20

SE-75185 Uppsala


Phone: +(0)18-471465




Janet Jansson

Professor and Senior Staff Scientist

Department of Ecology, Earth Science Division

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

1 Cyclotron Road, MS 70A-3317D

Berkeley, CA 94720

tel: (510) 486-7487


Jan Grawe Jan Grawe
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Re: Confocal use

Sorry, please disregard the previous message.

(Odd, I never made this mistake when using Eudora)


Jan Grawé

Cell Analysis Core Facility


Dag Hammarskjölds väg 20

SE-75185 Uppsala


Phone: +(0)18-471465


[hidden email]
