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Re: Flash lamp repair

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Re: Flash lamp repair

Try Horiba Jobin Yvon. They also make flash photolysis systems.They might be able to help.
PS: No commercial interest.

From: Simon Walker <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1:56:46 AM
Subject: Flash lamp repair

Sorry, this is a non-confocal question, but I'm hoping someone out there may
be able to help.  We have an approx. 10 year old flash photolysis system
manufactured by Photonic Instruments.  The system essentially comprises a
lamp, a couple of large capacitors and a power supply.  Unfortunately the
system was left powered up at full charge for approx. 2 weeks and it no longer
works (I think the capacitors have fried).  I've contacted Photonic Intruments
to see if they can repair it but they have not responded to my e-mails.  Can
anyone out there recommend a company who might be able to repair this unit?

Babraham Institute

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