Re: Grfx cards for AutoQuant/AutoDeblur (commercial response)

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Andy Molnar Andy Molnar
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Re: Grfx cards for AutoQuant/AutoDeblur (commercial response)

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Hi Esteban,
The nVidia recommendation for AutoQuant X (AutoDeblur/AutoVisualize) is
based strictly on 3D rendering (that is, the 5D Viewer component of
AutoVisualize), not on nVidia's support of CUDA. Our own testing with the 5D
Viewer has just tended to show better stability and performance with nVidia
cards. If you're primarily doing deconvolution and your 3D rendering
requirements are either very modest or are served with another application,
then I don't think the Gigabyte card will pose a problem here.

Best Regards,

Media Cybernetics
4340 East-West Hwy, Suite 400
Bethesda, MD 20814-4411
tel +1 301.495.3305
fax +1 301.495.5964

On Tue, 27 Mar 2012 09:19:40 -0700, G. Esteban Fernandez
<[hidden email]> wrote:

>To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
>Hi all,
>I'm purchasing a new computer to be used for deconvolving confocal
>data with Media Cybernetics's AutoQuant/AutoDeblur software (ver.
>X1.4.1 maybe upgrading to X3).  I know MediaCy recommends NVIDIA
>graphics cards for their CUDA parallel processing ability but my
>computer people want to purchase a different card, ostensibly because
>we get a deal on the particular brand they want.  The card (GIGABYTE
>GV-R797D5-3GD-B) does have parallel processors but they're not branded
>as CUDA, I don't know enough to determine if that makes a difference;
>it does support openGL.  I'd appreciate it if people would share their
>experiences running AutoDeblur with non-NVIDIA (non-CUDA) cards.