Re: Lumencore experience/alternative

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Arne Seitz Arne Seitz
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Re: Lumencore experience/alternative

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Dear all,

as a follow up on the message below: Quickly after the message was posted I was contacted by Lumencore. Obviously important pieces of information did unfortunately got lost in the communication chain from us to Lumencore via the vendor.  Once this leaky pipeline was fixed Lumencore was extremely helpful and cooperative in order to find a solution. I want to explicitly thank everybody who helped us to get the situation resolved including the ones who replied to my post on the ConfocalList.


Dear all,

in 2013 we were buying Lumencore Sola engines in order to replace mercury burners on our confocal microscopes. We already had trouble with one the instruments last year although we were way below the guaranteed (and massively advertised) lifetime of 20 000 h. We repaired the light source at our costs. One year after the repair we are facing the exact problem again. However this year the Vendor (Visitron) and Lumencore are refusing to repair the unit as they are not supporting the product anymore.

Therefore my three questions:
- Do others have similar problems with this product?
- Can anyone point out where I might be able to find spare parts for the model we purchased end 2013?
- Suggestions for alternative products are also highly appreciated.

Thanks for your feedback in advance.


Dr. Arne Seitz
Head of Bioimaging and Optics Platform (BIOP)
Swiss Institute of Technology (EPFL)
Faculty of Life Sciences
Station 15
CH-1015 Lausanne

Phone: +41 21 693 9618
Fax:      +41 21 693 9585