Re: Microprobe objectives, "stick" lenses, GRIN, etc.

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Carlin, Leo M Carlin, Leo M
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Re: Microprobe objectives, "stick" lenses, GRIN, etc.

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Just to follow up on the request below, I am particularly interested information regarding commercial technology that would allow me to image hard to access tissues without the need for a dedicated endoscope-type set up.  I mainly use a Leica SP5 with DM6000 upright, so an objective that could be used with that instrument would be ideal.  

Many thanks,

-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Carlin, Leo M
Sent: 25 November 2014 14:19
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Microprobe objectives

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Dear Microscopists ,

I have just heard that the Olympus "Microprobe" objectives ( ) are no longer available.  Does anyone know of an alternative with similar characteristics to the 27x they previously offered (i.e. <5 mm lens diameter with reasonable FOV and N.A.)?

Many thanks,
Leo M. Carlin
Imperial College London