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cvierret@...Name: Clarissa Wisner
Organization: Central States Microscopy and Microanalysis Society
Title-Subject: [Filtered] Spring Meeting
Question: Central States Microscopy and
Microanalysis Society wish to invite you to their
spring meeting in Columbia Mo.
The theme is Scince is Art. For more information
or to register please contact Clarissa Wisner,
Program includes a wide variety of speakers:
Kristy Wendt, Wash U Research Engineer - National
Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network
Dr. Paul Mainwaring, Gatan Inc. - X-ray
Microscopy and Tomography of Low Z Materials in
the SEM
Dr. Adrienne Hoard, Professor of Design and Color
Theory from MU - Color Theory in Imaging
Dr. Jay Jerome Department of Pathology,
Vanderbilt University Medical Center - Putting
the Art in Microscopy Images While Keeping the
Dr. Ye Duan, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at MU
3D Computer Imaging in Science and Medicine
Dr. Gary Greenberg Author of A Grain of Sand:
Natureís Secret Wonder - The Art of Science: From
Pythagoras to the Present
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15, 13 -- Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 08:11:25 -0500
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15, 13 -- Subject: viaWWW: Spring Meeting CSMMS
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