Re: NW Regional Cytometry Meeting, March 12 - 14, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle

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Allan Kachelmeier Allan Kachelmeier
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Re: NW Regional Cytometry Meeting, March 12 - 14, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle

To all:


It's getting to be Spring, and a lovely time in the Northwest. The NW Regional Cytometry meeting is in less than a month away. This year the meeting is March 12 – 14 at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. There's something for everyone: FICCS5 on the computational side, a clinically oriented NWRCM meeting on Saturday, two FloCyte training courses, and, new this year, a cytometry workshop for high school teachers. Reception is Saturday evening. With exception of the FloCyte courses, all events are free – you need only register. Registration for the 2009 NWRCM is sending a note to [hidden email] . Below are a few more details on the meeting as a whole. Hope to see you next month. Thanks.


Allan Kachelmeier

2009 NWRCM publicity

Manager, Confocal microscopy core

Oregon Hearing Research Center






NW Regional Cytometry Meeting

and related events


March 12 – 14, 2009

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC)

1100 Fairview Ave N., Seattle, WA



Thursday, March 12, 2009

FloCyte Training Institute Course (separate registration & fee required

            9am-5pm  Data Analysis (Tim Bushnell, PhD, Instructor)  Yale Bldg


Friday, March 13, 2009

NW Regional Cytometry Meeting (free, separate registration required  [hidden email])

            9am-8pm  Vendor Displays  Sze Auditorium

            9:30am-12:30pm  Vendor presentations  Pelton Auditorium

            12:30pm-1:30pm  Lunch on your own

            1:30pm-3:10pm  Vendor presentations  Pelton Auditorium

            3:30pm-6pm  Vendor presentations  B1-072/074/076

            6pm-8pm Reception Sze Auditorium & FHCRC Cafeteria


Flow Informatics and Computational Cytometry Society Meeting

(free, no registration necessary

            9am-4:30pm  Arnold Bldg M1-A303/305/307


FloCyte Training Institute Course (separate registration & fee required

            9am-5pm  Multiparameter Flow & Compensation (Tim Bushnell, PhD, Instructor)  Yale Bldg


Saturday, March 14, 2009

NW Regional Cytometry Meeting (continued)

            8am-7:30pm  Vendor Displays  Sze Auditorium

            8am-6pm  Poster Session  Great Hall

            9am-12:50pm  Scientific presentations  Pelton Auditorium

            12:50pm-1:50pm  Lunch (provided)

            1:50pm-5:30pm  Scientific presentations  Pelton Auditorium

            5:30pm-7:30pm  Reception  Sze Auditorium & FHCRC Cafeteria


Flow Cytometry Workshop for Middle & High School Teachers

(free, separate registration required  [hidden email])

            8:30am-12:50pm  B1-072/074/076



Meeting Sponsors

Beckman Coulter*, Becton Dickinson*, Invitrogen*, Accuri*, Amgen, Amnis*, Cell Signaling Technology*, Cytek Development*, CytoAnalytics*, De Novo Software*, FloCyte Training Institute, Fluxion Biosciences*, Millipore/Guava Technologies*, Miltenyi Biotec*, Molecular Devices*, Olympus America*, Phoenix Flow Systems, Spherotech, Stratedigm*, Tree Star*, Union Biometrica*, Verity Software House*


*Sponsor giving vendor presentation

Detailed schedule of vendor presentations will follow at a later date.

Detailed schedule of Flow Cytometry Workshop for Teachers will follow at a later date.


NW Regional Cytometry Meeting


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pelton Auditorium




9:00 – 9:10am  Introduction


9:10 – 10:00am  Steve Kussick, MD, PhD (Phenopath, Seattle, WA)

            Setting up a 9-color clinical flow cytometry lab from scratch


10:00 – 10:50am  Jeannine Holden, MD (Emory Univ School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA)

            Topic: Hematopathology


10:50 – 11:10am  Coffee Break


11:10 – 12:00pm  Maurice O'Gorman, PhD, D(ABMLI) (Feinberg School of Med, Northwestern Univ, Chicago, IL)

            Role of flow cytometry in the diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency disease


12:00 – 12:50pm  David Novo, PhD (De Novo Software, Los Angeles, CA)

             Bringing flow cytometry data analysis to image cytometry


12:50 – 1:50pm  Lunch (box lunches provided)


1:50 – 2:40pm  Brian Reid, MD, PhD (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA)

            Neoplastic progression of Barrett's Esophagus


2:40 – 3:30pm  Tony Bakke, PhD D(ABMLI) (Oregon Health and Sciences Univ, Portland, OR)

            Monitoring lymphocyte reconstitution and activation after stem cell/bone marrow transplant


3:30 – 3:50pm  Coffee Break


3:50 – 4:40pm  Gloria Juan, PhD (Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA)

            Topic: image cytometry


4:40 – 5:30pm  Paul Smith, PhD (Cardiff Univ, Cardiff, Wales, UK)

            Cytometry of Drug Resistance


5:30 – 7:30pm  Reception  Sze Auditorium and Hutch Cafeteria




Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center



Hotel Information

Meeting room rates are offered at the following hotels near the FHCRC:

1) Residence Inn, Marriott Lake Union (800-331-3131)

2) Silver Cloud Inn (800-330-5812)

3) Courtyard Marriott


Juliane P. Hill

Coordinator, 2009 NWRCM

Senior Scientist, Pre-clinical development

ZymoGenetics, Inc.


Rissa Sanchez,

Co-organizer, 2009 NWRC meeting

Manager, Seattle Barrett's Esophagus Study


Seattle, WA

Schedule of the FICCS5

We are pleased to announce FICCS5, which will be held at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Friday March 13 as part of the 2009 NW Regional Cytometry meeting, March 12 - 14.
Schedule of FICCS5
Friday, March 13, 2009

Flow Informatics and Computational Cytometry Society FICCS) meeting

9:30 John Gosink (Amgen) - The BioConductor Package flowFlowJo: Bridging Bench Research and Bioinformatics

10:00 Hugh Rand (Amgen) - Building and Using an Industrial Flow Cytometry Capability

10:30 Florian Hahne (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) - Bringing flowCore to the user: work flows and the graphical user interface

11:00 Cliburn Chan (Duke University School of Medicine) - A model-based approach to designing marker panels and gating strategies

11:30 Robert Gentleman and Nishant Gopalakrishnan (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) - Methods for Quality Assurance in high throughput flow cytometry experiments

12:00 Lunch – FHCRC cafeteria

1:00 Raphael Gottardo (Institut de recherches clinique de Montreal) will provide an update on the development of flowClust

1:30 Ali Bashashati (British Columbia Cancer Research Centre) - Automated Analysis of Flow Cytometry Data: Identifying a Group of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Patients With Inferior Survival

2:00 Guenther Walther (Stanford University) Automated Multivariate Gating of Flow Cytometry Data
A lack of appropriate data analysis methodology is one of the biggest blocks that prevents flow cytometry from reaching its full potential. I will review some recent advances in developing automatic gating (clustering) methodology, and then introduce two approaches that allow a flexible modeling of cell populations with nonconvex contours. One approach is based on a semi-paramtric mixture model with EM algorithm, the other is purely nonparametric.

2:30 Robert Zigon(Beckman Coulter Inc.) - Data Warehousing Theory and its application to Flow Cytometry Data Management

Date: Friday, March 13, 2009
Location: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA