Re: Question about larger issue (was: Checking for flat field illumination)

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Re: Question about larger issue (was: Checking for flat field illumination)


Robert, here is what I tell people. 




Douglas W. Cromey, M.S. - Assistant Scientific Investigator

Dept. of Cell Biology & Anatomy, University of Arizona

1501 N. Campbell Ave, Tucson, AZ  85724-5044 USA


office:  AHSC 4212         email: [hidden email]

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Home of: "Microscopy and Imaging Resources on the WWW"


From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Robert Peterson
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 6:39 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Question about larger issue (was: Checking for flat field illumination)



First, I would like to thank Johan for the response. He was correct that in cases where hardware is the issue, doing post-capture processing would not help. For example, when our stage and stage insert were not well aligned we had different focal depths across the sample. We would see something like an axon running from right to left across 4 or 5 tiles where in the right hand side of each tile it was in focus, but then it would dip out of focus by the left hand side of that tile. Then, it would pop back into focus at the right-hand edge of the next tile.

On the other hand, I like the idea of the range adjustment for a shading problem I have been having on a different system.

However, Johan's suggestion brought up something I had been wanting to ask for quite some time. How much post-capture image manipulation do you think is okay? I know there have been threads about this before, but I was wondering specifically what people do and do not suggest to their users/students/postdocs. In particular, I'm wondering what kind of processing you find yourself doing fairly often. I have a feeling I err on the conservative side and I am definitely willing to broaden my range.

Thanks in advance!


Johan Henriksson wrote:

this problem can be trivially fixed by software, just apply a range
adjustment bi-linearly interpolated over the image. you can find the
optimal parameters using linear least squares or manually. but before
that, make sure the hardware setup is optimal. had this problem on a
simpler microscope, in that case due to a bad connection making the
light come in at a slight angle.
Robert Peterson wrote:
We do a lot of tiling on multiple systems. When there is not a flat field of 
illumination you get a checkerboard effect that ruins your images. So, I have 
spent a fair amount of time trying to achieve a flat field illumination. With 
the Zeiss there are a couple things I would suggest.
   1. As was mentioned below there is always an edge effect and we have been
      told to zoom to at least 2 with our Zeiss objectives to "cut-off" this
      edge effect.
   2. The stage alignment and stage insert alignment have to be perfect. The
      Zeiss service tech in our area uses a slide with a grid along the entire
      length to make sure that it is in the same focal plane at all points. Or,
      as near to it as possible.
Don't know if this will be helpful or not, but wanted to chime in with some 
personal experiences.
Robert Peterson
James Pawley wrote:
I have recently been trying to determine how flat the illumination field is
in our spinning disk system to make sure things are "fairly well" aligned,
but have had some strange results that I do not understand.  I would like
some feedback on what is acceptable, as I am new to these type of
measurements.  I started by using a fluor-ref slide from microscopy
education, which I assume is a good diagnostic slide for such an operation.
 I will also mention that I was using a Zeiss C-apochromat 40x/1.2 water
immersion lens with an adjustable collar. With the fluor-ref slide image,
the field looks very flat, with only about a 3% intensity drop on the edges
(determined via a line profile across the image).  However, if I take a
molecular probes bead and move it to different areas of the field, I get a
very different answer.  I find that I have a relatively large area (~20% of
the total field) on the bottom left corner that registers a 22% drop in
intensity via measuring the bead.  I focused up and down to make sure I was
at the brightest point of the bead, in case the focus had changed in a
different area of the field, but that did not seem to make a difference. I
have two questions I would be interested in getting feedback on. 1) What is
the reason for the difference between the flou-ref slide and the beads? and
2) What kinds of percent changes in intensity over the field are considered
Sean Speese, Ph.D.
UMASS Medical School
Department of Neurobiology
Dear Sean,
The fact that the intensity loss  seems much worse in one corner than in the 
other three does suggest an alignment issue. I am only guessing but it might 
be that, in that corner, the laser light is not being as accurately focused 
into the pinholes by the microlenses. (But I have no idea how to adjust this.)
However, one should always expect some drop off in the corners for a variety 
of reasons.
Aberrations and field curvature, that are corrected almost perfectly on axis, 
are usually not corrected so well off the axis. The result is a larger spot, 
and therefor a lower intensity of excitation illumination. The higher 
aberrations also reduce optical performance on the fluorescence side, making 
the larger spot larger again, and causing more of it to be intercepted by the 
pinhole. This will be more obvious with the beads than with a bulk specimen 
where, to some extent, light originating nearby will still make it to the 
image plane. With the beads, there is no fluorescent material to make "nearby" 
Finally, large low-mag, high-NA lenses often suffer from vignetting. This can 
be seen clearly in Fig 11.9 on page 246 of the Handbook. The lower row of 
images represent performance in the back focal plane of 4 objectives, with a 
point light source that images 10mm off axis at the primary image plane. You 
can see that the BFP in not fully filled (i.e., not circular, as the top row 
is). The black area represents light that was not collected, in this case 
probably 25% of the total for the NA 1.2 water lens.
This last point fits in with the recent discussion on the "Re: Recommendations 
for commercial multi-photon system purchase" thread about an NA 1.2 20x 
objective. If there really isn't room in the old RMS objective mount for all 
the light paths from the edges of the field of view of an NA 1.2 40x, then the 
matter will be 2x worse with a 20x. Therefore, one will need a much larger 
diameter tube and tube lens to capture all the data from such an objective.
Originally such high-NA, low-mag objectives were not contemplated because they 
were harder to make and besides one could not see this much information with 
the unaided eye. Now that we decode position information from either CCDs or 
mirror position, this is no longer a limitation and, partially for this 
reason, we have recently seen the introduction a variety of "non-standard" 
microscope configurations such as the the Agilent/TILL and the new Olympus box 
The brave new world awaits.
Jim P.
PS: We still have 3 open places at the UBC 3D Live-cells Course,