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Dear Johannes Amos and listserv community
I have watched the one webinar for the Airyscan microscope and I was particularly
pleased with 13:40-19:00 min. This is one of the nicest explanations for the pixel
reassignment techniques that have recently seen a lot of attention in the scientific
community ( instant SIM, Yok et al, Image scanning microscopy, J. Enderlein group,
Rescan confocal, De Luca et al, pixel reassignment Heintzmann group).
And not to forget theoretical work by Colin Sheppard that predicted the phenomena
almost 30 years ago [1].
Thus while it would have been nice to give these scientists credit in the webinar, I think
the explanation of the principle was very well done.
1. C. J. R. Sheppard, “Super‐resolution in confocal imaging”, Optik (Stuttg.) 80, 5354