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Re: academic programs in colleges/universities in Microscopy

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John Runions John Runions
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Re: academic programs in colleges/universities in Microscopy

Hi Arnold,

We have a one-year MSc course in microscopy at Oxford Brookes University in the UK.  Of course, you need an undergraduate degree or some sort of qualifying professional experience to get in.  See the following link:


Best, John.

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Email: [hidden email]
Name: Arnold Villanueva

Organization: none

Title-Subject: [Filtered] academic programs in colleges/universities 
in Microscopy

Question: To whom it may concern:
I am wondering if there is ANY college and/or university and/or 
technical or vocational school that offers either a certificate, 
Associate's Degree or Bachelor's degree program in the field of 
Microscopy.  ANY information that you can offer would be very much 
appreciated :)  Thank you and have a nice day.

Sincerely yours,
Arnold Villanueva

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C. John Runions, Ph.D.
School of Life Sciences
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford, UK

email:  [hidden email]
phone: +44 (0) 1865 483 964

Runions’ lab web site


Visit The Illuminated Plant Cell dot com
Oxford Brookes Master's in Bioimaging with Molecular Technology