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Re: microscopy books

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Re: microscopy books

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

I've used Murphy's book, and I also like Chandler and Roberson's  
"Bioimaging." They cover much of the same ground, but C&R also include  
chapters on specimen prep, cell structure, and special imaging  
techniques for live cells and imaging molecules. Murphy has more  
detailed explanations of the optics involved. Either would be fine for  
advanced undergrads and grad students.

Gary Radice
Department of Biology
University of Richmond
Richmond VA 23173
Alex Bannigan Alex Bannigan
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Re: microscopy books

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

I also recommend Douglas Murphy's book. My students (undergraduate biology
students) find the explanations very easy to understand, and it does a
beautiful job of covering everything from properties of light through to confocal
microscopy. Many of the other books I have tried have turned out to be too
technical and physics-heavy for my class.
As others have said, I also rely heavily on MicroscopyU
(http://www.microscopyu.com) and Molecular Expressions
(http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/index.html), which have a lot of overlap
and provide really great tutorials, animations etc.


Alex Bannigan, PhD
Director of Microscopy
Biology Department, MSC 7801
James Madison University
800 South Main St
Harrisonburg, VA, 22807, USA
[hidden email]
phone: 540-5684521