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This is a first-time post to this listserv.
Does anyone know of a red-excitable expression tag?
I am working with a 488/568/647 Ar and Ar/Kr laser confocal system, and I am looking for a protein tag that can be excited using a 647 laser. Ultimately, I would like to express proteins with three different tags: GFP(488), RFP(568), and ???(647).
Recently, I saw a discussion on this listserv about far-red tags mKate and JRed--but these are not "far" enough. I have also skimmed some of Tsien lab's recent works, but have not found any 600-excitable tags.
Any help or insight would be appreciated.
Thank you very much,
Michael Jacobsen Manager, Confocal Microscopy Core Facility
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You may find that expression tags that have peak EX in far-red have sufficient EX at shorter wavelengths that you don’t need to worry about this. For example, we use DsRed, Texas Red, mitotracker red and propidium iodide, all of which have EX peaks in the yellow-orange region, and I never bother using anything other than 488 nm EX, usually because we’re looking at GFP and autofluorescence at the same time. Have not noticed either detection or bleaching problems. Perhaps you’d have to worry with low-expressed probes, but we’ve not had trouble yet (cross fingers, etc....). Might be worth a try, esp if you already have ready access to these other tags. cheers, Rosemary Rosemary White [hidden email] CSIRO Plant Industry ph. 61 (0)2-6246 5475 GPO Box 1600 fax. 61 (0)2-6246 5334 Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia On 14/11/07 6:09 AM, "Michael T Jacobsen" <[hidden email]> wrote: Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal |
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