Register today for the New England Society for Microscopy's Fall Workshops & Symposium!

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New England Society for Microscopy New England Society for Microscopy
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Register today for the New England Society for Microscopy's Fall Workshops & Symposium!

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Dear Fellow Microscopists,

Registration is now open for the New England Society for Microscopy's Fall Workshops, Symposium, & Business Meeting at UMass Amherst! The meeting will take place on November 14th and 15th. The first day will consist of two afternoon workshops: Jim Chambers will provide a hands-on tutorial on Kohler Illumination followed by an introduction to FLIM, and Alex Ribbe will demonstrate cryo-microtomy for TEM with EELS and EDS. The all-day Symposium on the 15th will consist of four technical talks from the biological and materials sciences, a poster session, a buffet lunch and our annual Board Elections. Attendees who present a poster will have their registration fees waived!
More information, including registration, speaker and workshop info, and more can be found on our website (

We are currently accepting nominations for positions on our Board of Directors. The Board is an excellent opportunity for trainees considering a career in microscopy, as well as for established microscopists who are interested in getting more involved with the local imaging community. If this is something you'd be interested in, contact us for more information!

We hope to see you in November!

NESM Board