Release of OMERO 4.4.8p1

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Jason Swedlow-2 Jason Swedlow-2
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Release of OMERO 4.4.8p1

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Dear All,

Today we are releasing a patch for OMERO 4.4.8 clients to fix problems with
the network connection introduced by the latest Java 1.7 update on Windows.
This Java update has resulted in Insight versions 4.4.6-4.4.8 being unable
to connect to the server [1]. This patch also fixes a connection issue with
Windows XP [2].

**Although this problem has only been noted on Windows to date, we
recommend all 4.4.8 users upgrade to 4.4.8p1 clients.**

**We recommend all 4.4.8 server administrators upgrade the client version
in the server used by Java Webstart.**

If you have a server version before 4.4.8 and use Java Webstart you will
need to perform a full server upgrade [3].

As always, the software is available from OMERO Downloads.

Kind regards,

The OME team




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