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Release of OMERO Beta4.3.0

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Jason Swedlow-2 Jason Swedlow-2
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Release of OMERO Beta4.3.0

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Dear All-

Today, The OME Consortium (
http://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/about/development-teams), is proud to
announce the release of OMERO-Beta4.3.0.

This is a major release, focussing on new functionality for large, tiled
images, and significant improvements in our client applications.

For full details of the OMERO Beta4.3.0 release, see:


The software is available at http://openmicroscopy.org

The major theme of 4.3.0 is what we refer to as "Big Images", namely images
with X,Y images larger that 4k x 4k.  With this release, OMERO's server and
Java and web clients support tiling and image pyramids.  This means we have
the functionality you've probably seen in on-line map tools (e.g.,
http://maps.google.com), ready for use in any image file format supported by
OMERO (and obviously Bio-Formats).  This is especially important for digital
pathology, and other uses of stitched imaging.

We're just returning from our annual OME Users Meeting (more details about
that in a separate email).  Getting 4.3.0 out the door and all the prep for
the meeting has been a huge effort by the whole team.  We've updated  the
Features page (http://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/products/feature-list),
but still need to get the demo videos done.  We'll get all the content there
in the next week or two.

For developers and sysadmins, there are two things to know about the 4.3.0
release.  First, we've implemented a JPEG2000 compression engine within
OMERO.server, and enabled support for the resulting image pyramids within
the OMERO API, and the OMERO clients.  In addition, to make this
functionality work, we've taken steps towards a first implementation of the
long-promised OMERO.fs.  We'll publish full documentation on these
facilities in the next few days.

For users, 4.3.0 supports large files from Aperio, NanoZoomer, and others
should now work in OMERO.  Obviously, this takes us into new imaging
domains, which of course is very exciting.

While the major focus of 4.3.0 is Big Images, there are a number of other
new updates.  For users, we've worked hard to synchronise functionality and
appearance across the OMERO clients.  This includes viewing of ROIs in
OMERO.web.  We're not done, but we've made alot of progress.  Moreover, data
import is now MUCH faster and available from within OMERO.insight.

Upgrade from 4.2.2 to 4.3.0 is fairly straightforward-- see


for more details.

We are already at work on 4.3.1, which will fix bugs and add in some small
new features in OMERO clients.  Check the Roadmap pages for more info (

Finally, for 4.3.0, we've instituted a much more intensive testing system
(for details, see
http://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/wiki/TestingScenarios).  Hopefully,
you'll see this work (ALOT of work by the whole team) reflected in much more
stable, usable software.

Our feedback system, OMERO.qa (http://qa.openmicroscopy.org.uk) is a
facility users and developers can use to log comments and exceptions.
OMERO.qa supports uploading of problematic data files, and tracking of
responses to any user queries.

As always, thanks for your support.



Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation & Expression
College of Life Sciences
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