Reminder: NESM February Meeting @ Saint-Gobain, Northboro (Feb 15, 2012)

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Reminder: NESM February Meeting @ Saint-Gobain, Northboro (Feb 15, 2012)

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Join NESM for our February Dinner Meeting hosted by Saint-Gobainon February
15, 2012 @ 5:30PM.  The meeting is composed of a Saint-Gobain facility tour,
dinner, and two technical talks (see below for talk information).  Register now on
our website .  You can also keep up with NESM activities by
checking us out of Facebook and Twitter.

Technical Talks:

"Crystals as Stacked Layers and the Infinite World of Intergrowths", Charles
Bateman, Ph.D., Saint-Gobain, Northboro, MA

"Microscopy tools: visual resolution of insect eyes", Paloma Gonzalez Bellido,
Ph.D., Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA

We hope you can make it!
