Greetings everyone:
I am very pleased to announce another seminar in the UMASS Medical School’s Flow Cytometry Core Facility continuing seminar series:
“Cytobank: A Web-based approach for analysis and publication of flow cytometry experiments”
Nikesh Kotecha, PhD
Cytobank Inc.<>
July 13, 2010
11:30 – 1:00 pm
Hiatt Auditorium S1-608
Medical School Building
Worcester, MA
Lunch is being provided by BD Biosciences []. Please RSVP no later than July 12th.
I look forward to see you at the seminar on July 13th. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.
All my best,
Advances in cytometry have enabled routine generation of multi-color flow cytometry experiments designed to measure large numbers of samples across tens of markers. These experiments generate a large amount (hundreds of megabytes to gigabytes) of raw data and make it difficult to manage, analyze and collaborate with these experiments.
Cytobank is a web-based platform to manage, share and analyze your flow cytometry data from anywhere. The approach grew out of work in Dr. Garry Nolan’s lab at Stanford to handle large flow experiments, provide various levels of experiment access (from analyzed results to raw data) and enable a platform for novel visualizations and analyses of flow cytometry data.
In this talk, I will give an overview of Cytobank and show examples from ongoing systems biology projects using phospho-flow and mass cytometry.
Cytobank is available to the community at<>
Richard F. Konz, Jr.
Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine
Graduate Faculty, Immunology and Virology Program
Director, Flow Cytometry Core Facility
UMass Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Room: S5-322
Worcester, MA 01655
Office: 508-856-1598
Lab: 508-856-3276
Fax: 508-856-1581
Pager: 508-722-0560
Mobile: 508-868-6021
[hidden email]<mailto:
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Lab Web: Web: sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: We are all in the same boat.
Jacques Yves Cousteau
Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough.
Groucho Marx