Research Fellow in Super-resolution Imaging - Job available at Leeds

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Michelle Peckham Michelle Peckham
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Research Fellow in Super-resolution Imaging - Job available at Leeds

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Dear Confocal List.  The following post is available at Leeds University.  Please circulate this to anyone who may be interested.
All best
Job Details
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Super-resolution imaging
Reference Number         FBSMB0010
Faculty / Service               Biological Sciences
School / Institute             School of Molecular & Cellular Biology
Staff Category                   Research
Grade                                   University Grade 7
Contract Type                    Fixed Term
Full Time / Part Time       Full Time
Location                               Leeds - Main Campus
 Job Summary
Fixed term for 5 years

Applications are invited for an experienced Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on a project to build a novel ‘super-resolution’ 3D structured illumination microscope. The project is funded by the MRC Next Generation Optical Imaging Initiative.

You should have a PhD (or are close to completion) in an area of biophysics, physics, physical chemistry, biochemistry or bioengineering (or related), you will use your knowledge and ability to build a novel microscopy set-up suitable for 3D structured illumination microscopy of live cells. You will also be responsible for developing and maintaining an existing PALM (photoactivated light microscopy) and STORM (stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy) set-up. You should have experience in optics, lasers, microscopy, imaging, camera technologies, programming and in building custom-built instrumentation. The final goal is to build a novel 3D SIM instrument that can image to high resolution, with minimal drift, low signal/noise, and be relatively straightforward for other non-expert users to use. You will be creative, a quick-learner and able to work with custom-made instrumentation and non-standard analysis tools, in an interdisciplinary environment.

You should have a strong physical science background and experience of multidisciplinary research at the interface with biology is desirable.

University Grade 7 (£30,424 - £36,298 p.a.)

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Michelle Peckham, tel +44 (0)113 343 3438, email [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>.

Closing Date: 31 May 2013
To apply for this post please visit
 And search for the post with the reference: FBSMB0010
Mike Buchin Mike Buchin
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Nikon perfect focus no commercial interest May 28th

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We are interested in integrating the Nikon Perfect Focus System operating on
a Nikon TiE into our own imaging software.  I was told by our local Nikon
dealer (Technical Instruments, Burlingame CA) that it should be possible to
operate PFS outside of Nikon Elements.  They suggested that I  "engage in
the online SDK community and try to get some answers there".  Does anybody
on the list have any suggestions as to how I might go about doing
this/finding the "SDK community"?  

Our software is for fast single photon imaging (special systems) and does
have the Nikon SDK embedded; we have tools for running many accessories.  I
would assume that the PFS needs to be sampled (it has an output signal) and
that the z axis of the scope would need to be controlled.  We can sample and

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

Not trying to promote our software, just trying to add some capability to
one of our installations.

We will look at the Nikon SDK; maybe the answer is there already.

Thanks in advance,


Michael Buchin
Stanford Photonics, Inc.
Ph: 650-969-5991
Nico Stuurman-3 Nico Stuurman-3
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Re: Nikon perfect focus no commercial interest May 28th

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

Hi Mike,

> We are interested in integrating the Nikon Perfect Focus System operating on a Nikon TiE into our own imaging software.  I was told by our local Nikon dealer (Technical Instruments, Burlingame CA) that it should be possible to operate PFS outside of Nikon Elements.  They suggested that I  "engage in the online SDK community and try to get some answers there".  Does anybody on the list have any suggestions as to how I might go about doing this/finding the "SDK community"?

> I would assume that the PFS needs to be sampled (it has an output signal) and that the z axis of the scope would need to be controlled.  

No need, this is all taken care of in the Nikon firmware.  The software only needs to switch the PFS on and off, and it is possible to query the device and find out whether it is locked, searching, etc..


Mike Buchin Mike Buchin
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Re: Nikon perfect focus no commercial interest May 28th

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:


I apologize for not responding sooner.  As is the case with a lot of these
projects, priorities rise and fall.  A few of the responses pointed us back
to the Nikon SDK link (you provided this in your notes below) which is the
path we will ultimately take since we do need to embed this in our own
software vs. leveraging Micromanager.  This is driven by some very high
bandwidth single photon counting tools we have and we are not yet at the
point where we want to try adding this to our MM API.  

A note to the others who sent advice:  I really appreciate the fact that
"the list" is open to respond to requests for help from those of us in the
commercial world. I also want to thank Martin Wessendorf for his post from
6/12 in which he provides a good, concise "policy for commercial posters".
This helps us (commercial) make better decisions about how we can
participate in the conversations without crossing lines that go against the
core intentions.  


Michael Buchin
Stanford Photonics, Inc.
Ph: 650-969-5991

-----Original Message-----
From: Nico Stuurman [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2013 11:12 PM
To: [hidden email]
Cc: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Nikon perfect focus no commercial interest May 28th

Hi Mike,

> We are interested in integrating the Nikon Perfect Focus System operating
on a Nikon TiE into our own imaging software.  I was told by our local Nikon
dealer (Technical Instruments, Burlingame CA) that it should be possible to
operate PFS outside of Nikon Elements.  They suggested that I  "engage in
the online SDK community and try to get some answers there".  Does anybody
on the list have any suggestions as to how I might go about doing
this/finding the "SDK community"?

> I would assume that the PFS needs to be sampled (it has an output signal)
and that the z axis of the scope would need to be controlled.  

No need, this is all taken care of in the Nikon firmware.  The software only
needs to switch the PFS on and off, and it is possible to query the device
and find out whether it is locked, searching, etc..

