Robert Hoffman - Modulation Contrast

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Robert Hoffman - Modulation Contrast

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Greetings All,
This is a somewhat odd request.  I am currently teaching a course on the
history of microscopy, and I am trying to include information about the
personalities of the contributors to this extraordinary saga.  I am
covering the span of time from about 1660 to the present.  I thought I
would include some information about Robert Hoffman, the inventor of
modulation contrast microscopy, but beyond a brief conversation that I had
with him when I bought my system (in 1977),  I have nothing to add.  So, I
wonder if any of you have any memories or resources that you could
suggest.  I would be most grateful.

Thank you very much.

BTW, if you are curious about the course, which is still a work in
progress, I'd be happy to share my outline.

Joel B. Sheffield, Ph.D
Department of Biology
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Voice: 215 204 8839
e-mail: [hidden email]
Office:  Biolife 311
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