Roundness of Inspeck

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mmodel mmodel
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Roundness of Inspeck

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Dear List –


Has anybody imaged 6 um Inspeck beads? Do they look really round or can have all kinds of shapes? I am looking for relatively large but not too bright fluorescent beads with a reliably smooth and round (on the optical scale) shape.


Thanks and happy holidays!




Michael Model, Ph.D.

Confocal Microscopy Core

Dpt. Biological Sciences

Kent State University

Kent, OH 44242

tel. 330-672-2874


Armstrong, Brian Armstrong, Brian
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Re: Roundness of Inspeck

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I have been imaging Molecular probes 6um Fluorescent Microsphere Beads. They look round!



Brian D Armstrong PhD

Light Microscopy Core Manager

Beckman Research Institute

City of Hope

1450 E Duarte Rd

Duarte, CA 91010

626-359-8111 x62872


From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of MODEL, MICHAEL
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 10:33 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Roundness of Inspeck


Dear List –


Has anybody imaged 6 um Inspeck beads? Do they look really round or can have all kinds of shapes? I am looking for relatively large but not too bright fluorescent beads with a reliably smooth and round (on the optical scale) shape.


Thanks and happy holidays!




Michael Model, Ph.D.

Confocal Microscopy Core

Dpt. Biological Sciences

Kent State University

Kent, OH 44242

tel. 330-672-2874


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B. Prabhakar Pandian B. Prabhakar Pandian
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Cell Culture Serum Heat or Gamma Irradiated

In reply to this post by mmodel
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Hello Everybody:
                           Can someone educate me on what fetal bovine
serum one need to use (heat-inactivated, gamma irradiated or plain
serum) for
cell culture and how it may affect the cell growth.


