[SAVE THE DATE] 4th NEUBIAS conference in Bordeaux, FR. 29 Feb-6 Mar 2020

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Julien Colombelli Julien Colombelli
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[SAVE THE DATE] 4th NEUBIAS conference in Bordeaux, FR. 29 Feb-6 Mar 2020

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Dear colleagues,

NEUBIAS, the Network of European BioImage Analysts (www.neubias.org), is delighted to announce that the 4th NEUBIAS Conference will take place in Bordeaux, France in February 29 – March 6, 2020.
The conference will include two Training Schools (29Feb-3Mar) and a Taggathon,
 and will culminate with the Bioimage Analysis Symposium (March 4-6, 2020).

Highlights of the Symposium

Keynote Speakers:
     Dr. Suliana Manley
     Dr. Emma Lundberg
     Dr. Kristin Branson

Discussion topics:
BioImage Analysis & Workflows in Life Science, Current Developments & Applications, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, BioImage Data-Mining, Formats, Management, Object segmentation, Tracking, Atlases, Reconstruction, Visualization, Registration, Correlation, Fusion, Automation, Open Science, and many more.

Interactive sessions:
Open source Software Lounge, Call4Help, Industry Workshops/Techbites/Digital posters, Panel Discussion, and more

For more information please see:

Registration opening soon!

On behalf of the organizing committee and NEUBIAS members