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SAVE-THE-DATE: NESM Fall Meeting - October 20th

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SAVE-THE-DATE: NESM Fall Meeting - October 20th

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NESM FALL MEETING - October 20, 2011

Hello Confocal Listserverites,

Save-the-Date: October 20th
For the upcoming New England Society for Microscopy's
Fall Meeting @ Center for Biological Imaging, Harvard University Cambridge

Thursday, October 20 -- Workshops (1:30PM-4:00PM) and Dinner Meeting (4:00PM-9:00PM)

Registration information will be distributed in the coming week...

Tentative Meeting Schedule:
1:30-2:00 Workshop registration at the Center for Biological Imaging (CBI)
2:00-4:00 Workshops: X-ray MicroCT, CARS, and Super Resolution SI/PAL-M
4:00-5:00 Meeting registration and tour of CBI (including refreshments)
5:30-6:30 "The Human Connectome Project", Jeff Lichtman, Ph.D., Harvard University (http://www.humanconnectomeproject.org/)
6:30-7:30 Dinner
7:45-8:45 "Super Resolution Light Microscopy: Structured Illumination and PAL-M", Bernhard Goetze, Ph.D., Zeiss

Workshop Cost (workshops will run concurrently, so you may attend only one with space limited to 4 people per workshop)
$15 All Members

Dinner Meeting Costs (including refreshments, dinner and two talks starting at 5:30PM):
$20 NESM Members
$45 Nonmembers (includes 2012-year membership)
$10 Students
$10 Retirees
Walk-ins: Additional $5

Bring A Colleague:
NESM members who bring two new members to join during 2012, will receive free membership for 2013!!!

Thank you for your attention and consideration; and we look forward to seeing you in October.