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Hello all,
I need to calculate signal to background as I am going through the depth.I am using a Tetraspeck beads injected to the arabdiopsis leaf to test this.So far I have done that with this way:I have cropped the beads in the different depth and I have use the simple standard deviation to show that I am loosing my signal as I am going through the depth.But I don't think that is a good scale of SNR.There is an article with Raluca Neisner "The power of single and multibeam two-photon microscopy for high-resolution and high-speed deep tissue and intravital imaging. "
They have calculated exactly what I am looking for with the same approch of injecting beads to the OHBS and calculating the SNR in each depth.But the method that they have calculated SNR is not clear for me.I appreciate if you could check the paper and give me any idea that you get.I tried to contact the author,no luck!