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Dear Microscopists -
Please save the date for our upcoming 16th Annual AIM Workshop.
(Registration to open in October.)
*16th Annual Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop*
*AIM 2019*
*January 30 – February 1, 2019*
*Berkeley, California *
For list of speakers and more information, please visit:
http://crl.berkeley.edu/molecular-imaging-center/meetings-and-short-courses/AIM is a full 3-day intensive conference on light microscopy techniques and
their applications. It includes presentations by international experts in
microscopy development and biological sciences. Topics this year include
time-resolved fluorescence techniques, live-cell imaging, super resolution
microscopy, lightsheet, deep tissue imaging, probe design, computation,
adaptive optics and more!
AIM includes a poster session (with student prizes!) and two vendor fairs,
as well as evening receptions, plated gourmet lunches, coffee and pastries.
AIM takes place at the Berkeley City Club, 2315 Durant Avenue, Berkeley,
California 94704, which is designed by architect Julia Morgan.
The workshop will be immediately before, but not otherwise related to the
SPIE BiOS in San Francisco.
*Holly L. Aaron*
*Director, Molecular Imaging Center, Cancer Research Laboratory*
University of California, Berkeley
251 Life Sciences Addition, MC #2751
Berkeley, CA 94720-2751
510.642.2901 office 510.508.1188 mobile
[hidden email] http://imaging.berkeley.eduAnd:
306 Barker Hall
444-B Li Ka Shing Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences