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Dear All,
We are currently looking for a software engineer to fulfil a key role in our new
Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre. A summary is pasted below. Full details
can be found at:
http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/1715/ If you are interested
then please contact me (
[hidden email]) or follow the links in the full ad.
Please circulate.
With best regards,
Richard Adams
The position will fulfil a key role in the new Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre
(CAIC). CAIC supports the development and use of advanced imaging techniques
to a broad range of researchers from the School of Biological Sciences. New
fluorescence light sheet microscopes will generate a vast quantity of data
(hundreds of Terabytes in total). The role will be crucial to ensuring that the user
community of CAIC makes the most of its world class microscopy and computing
Specifically, the requirements of the role are as follows:
To collaborate with individuals and groups of researchers in building image
processing software workflows, writing bespoke code where necessary.
To develop and maintain an accessible online presence for CAIC. This will include
a booking system and a website to facilitate interaction and mutual support
among the user community and the exchange of skills.
To develop and deliver online training materials and in-person training courses
on image processing.
To assist with the procurement and installation of a medium-large scale storage
area network system and to manage its ongoing maintenance.