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Scottish Microscopy Group Symposium 2011

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Paul Appleton Paul Appleton
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Scottish Microscopy Group Symposium 2011

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Dear Listers, particularly Scottish Listers

The 39th Scottish Microscopy Group Symposium takes place on 23rd
November in Dundee, Scotland.

We have an interesting lineup of speakers including:

Dr Brad Amos, MRC LMB Cambridge and the Strathclyde Institute for
Pharmacology and Biomedical Sciences, UK
The Mesolens and other improvements in three-dimensional optical
Dr Tobias Starborg, Wellcome Centre for Cell Matrix Research,
University of Manchester, UK
Examining tendon development using three-dimensional
Dr Andrew Barlow, Applications Specialist, Perkin Elmer, UK
Colocalisation in Volocity 6.0
Dr Emil Rozbicki, Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Dundee,
Building a Digital Light Sheet Microscope
Dr Markus Posch, SULSA OMX Scientific Officer, College of Life
Sciences, University of Dundee, UK
OMX superesolution microscopy in Scotland

Posters/short talks
Microscopy related Trade exhibition
Tea/coffee, hot buffet lunch
Free Parking
Wine afterwards (4.40pm)
Registration (£30, students £15)
Registration OPEN

Lets hope we escape the snow this year!

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this meeting.


Dr Paul Appleton
Cell and Developmental Biology
University of Dundee
Dow Street

Phone:  01382 385825
[hidden email]

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